Monday, January 3, 2011

Coming soon to an internet near you!

Hopper's Baby Haven started as an idea that quickly escalated into a desire, want, and need.  In May 2010 our daughter started developing severe diaper rash and my DH and I decided to make the switch to cloth.  I fell in love with all things cloth diaper related, and decided I wanted to help spread my love of cloth diapering to anyone and everyone that would listen.  In order to stay one step ahead, I also decided I would start with not only cloth diapering products, but would also carry other baby items such as swaddle blankets, boutique style clothing, as well as a few toys. 

The idea was set in motion at the end of 2010, and I'm just getting all the rest of the necessary parts put together (read funding) and am hoping to launch in early 2011.